Project Lifecycle
This page attempts to document and outline the form of a project lifecycle to include the features SpinalHDL can provide and assist with and what is happening suching each stage of the process.
checkout project
An example of project structure to scafold your project is maintained at
sbt startup (background daemon, automatically fetches dependencies and libraries needed for:
sbt itself,
the target project,
the testing
The items it does not fetch dependencies for are the EDA tooling environment for tools such as Simulation and Formal Verification (see the appropiate section for setup information).
Writing the HDL implementation of your project. You describe the behaviour of your hardware in SpinalHDL.
An example of a project class file can be seen at:
You might use sbt command to confirm it is syntactically correct Scala (this does not confirm what is being describe can be elaborated).
Elaboration of HDL into a Verilog file (if you target this language in your EDA flow):
runMain projectname.MyTopLevelVerilog
This step maybe perform before you begin to Simulate or Formally Verify to validate the design passes being able to be elaborated.
Error can be found here (in the design) that must be addressed. Here is a link to some assistance in resolving the kinds of errors that occur during elaboration.
Elaboration of HDL into a VHDL file (if you target this language in your EDA flow):
runMain projectname.MyTopLevelVHDL
This step maybe perform before you begin to Simulate or Formally Verify to validate the design passes being able to be elaborated.
Error can be found here (in the design) that must be addressed. Here is a link to some assistance in resolving the kinds of errors that occur during elaboration.
SpinalHDL simulation
- This makes uses of a Scala/Java testing framework such as:
The framework manages Simnulation much like Unit Testing. Due to this the sbt command:
testOnly mypackage.MyTestSim
can be used to run that single test class.An example of a test class can be seen at:
SpinalHDL formal verification
- This makes use of a Scala/Java testing framework such as:
The framework manages Simnulation much like Unit Testing.
An example of a formal verification test class can be seen at:
HDL code-generation. This can be a repeat of the Verilog / VHDL code-generation steps above (or reuse of testcode HDL artifacts). It is included again here as you may have performed multiple code-test-debug iterations to improve your design so you now perform your final code generation.
- Verilog codegen example:
Can be found at the object MyTopLevelVerilog extends App seen at: This can be executed from sbt with
sbt runMain projectname.MyTopLevel.MyTopLevelVerilog
- VHDL codegen example:
Can be found at the object MyTopLevelVhdl extends App seen at: This can be executed from sbt with
sbt runMain projectname.MyTopLevel.MyTopLevelVhdl
Using the generated HDL (Verilog/VHDL) you can provide that to your EDA flow in a state that is already well simulted, well tested. Your EDA flow is then expected to perform synthesis and implementation processes towards achieving the final hardware design.